Reviews Erogen X

  • Balázs
    An excellent means. With the help of this gel Erogen X I enhance 5 cm long and 1.5 mm wide. Wife excited! If earlier only once a month, now we have sex for two hours every day.
    Erogen X
  • Petra
    Bought the gel Erogen X her husband two months ago. Cheap tool, a high-quality, and most importantly - effective! For 7 years of a joint life first began to enjoy an intimate life!
    Erogen X
  • Levente
    Earlier relationships with girls have not lasted longer 2-3 purposes. No one said, but I think, nevertheless, that the matter was in the amount of the penis. Learned about gel Erogen X on the forum for a man with a similar problem. The result satisfied. Three months of use - penis about 6 inches longer. With a new girl we meet for the second month, the relationship super!
    Erogen X
  • Lili
    My husband even said he couldn't, that I don't have the strength to endure his small size! Start looking for information on the internet, that in such situations the others are doing. I learned about Erogen X. Now every time before sex I'm husband erotic massage and a massage of his penis by this gel. He thinks he has a penis has only increased from my massage) Plus 4 cm already right there!
    Erogen X
  • Máté
    Previously he couldn't have sex more 15-20 minutes. He turned to the doctor, recommended taking the gel Erogen X. Already after a week of use he was able to endure half an hour. Now the moon - sex-two-three and even four hours for me is not a problem. The girls squeal with joy. I am satisfied with the result!
    Erogen X
Rating Erogen X